Great Wall Institute: The Process of the Great Wall of Los Angeles

1992 Civil War in El Salvador Ends - by RICHARD BOUDREAUX 1992
"The president of El Salvador and 10 leftist guerrilla leaders shook hands in a tearful encounter Thursday as they signed a treaty ending their tiny Central American nation’s 12-year conflict, the Western Hemisphere’s bloodiest legacy of the Cold War."

Scholarly article about the aftermath of 1992 Peace Treaty
Robin Maria DeLugan (2005) Peace, Culture, and Governance in Post-Civil War El Salvador (1992-2000), Journal of Human Rights.

Peace, Culture, and Governance in Post–Civil War El Salvador (1992–2000)
"The 1992 signing of the San Andrés Peace Accords in Chapultepec, Mexico ended the 12-year-long civil conflict in El Salvador that cost more than 100,000 lives. The roots of this civil conflict are deep, and to frame the civil conflict in terms of Cold War ideologies is at best a partial explanation. Small oligarchies supported by dictatorial regimes, widespread poverty and social marginalization, the steady removal of lands from the control of rural populations, and the negation of an indigenous population are constant factors that characterize El Salvador. These factors have motivated popular unrest in El Salvador for more than two centuries."


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