This page was created by Dianne Sanchez Shumway. 

Great Wall Institute: The Process of the Great Wall of Los Angeles

Anti-Apartheid Protests Spread Across the U.S. (LA TIMES)

By Mark Stein  April 25, 1985

​​​​​​Anti-apartheid protesters from dozens of college campuses across the nation Wednesday boycotted classes, marched, rallied or spoke in support of a “day of action” opposing American support of the racist policies of South Africa.

More than 300 people were arrested, including 25 who had camped outside the office of UC Davis Chancellor James H. Meyer. Seventy-five students received citations at UC Santa Barbara when they refused to leave an administration building.

The day’s biggest crowd turned out at Berkeley, where 7,000 demonstrators jammed a gymnasium for an apartheid discussion with half of the university’s regents and University of California President David P. Gardner.

The forum had been one of several items demanded by demonstrators who have camped on the steps of Sproul Hall, the administration building, since April 10. About 4,000 people rallied there before the forum Wednesday.

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