Great Wall Institute: The Process of the Great Wall of Los Angeles

Generation on Fire

Tom Hayden provided the visual metaphor for the Generation on Fire segment. In an interview with Judy Baca conducted at SPARC, Hayden described the uniqueness of the generation. The 1960s was the first time in history, according to Hayden, in which an entire generation were self-described revolutionaries; they were a generation on fire. Judy recalls Hayden describing that the way many people got engaged in activism was a question of who they fell in love with. 
Hayden’s metaphor inspired the imagery and title for the segment. In the background of this segment notable Freedom Riders–Joan Mullholland, Catherine Burks-Brooks, Jean Thompson, Alex Weiss, Robert and Helen Singleton, Lula Mae White, and Hank Thomas, Kwame Ture (Stokley Carmichael), James Farmer, and John Lewis–are depicted on a Greyhound bus. In the foreground, a line of youth with fire emanating from their heart centers hold hands as firemen try to extinguish their fire. These young people are linked across race and class carrying the belief that they could change the world. That is what the Generation on Fire is all about.

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